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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tell Me Honestly

Do I look FAT? :|

-- Qish

I have the biggest appetite lately.  That makes momma happy, and I don't understand why!  You see, I would like to maintain my lean figure because I am a Siamese.  But I just couldn't help  it.  That boiled chicken breast is really yummy, and Natural Balance from Bow & Wow, too!

I can still remember a few months ago when I was stick thin, and I heard momma ranted about it HERE and HERE.  Seems like the prayer PAWer worked, because here I am, fat and healthy!  Yay!

But let me tell you a secret.  I used to eat just one type of food, because that is the only thing that appeals to me -- Natural Balance Venison.  I had momma panic last December because we were about to run out of stocks at home, and Bow & Wow still didn't have it in their stores!  Thankfully, they reserved a whole lot for me when the stocks arrived, just in time when I only had a can left.  Ms. Amie Tan was so kind to bring it to Bow & Wow Shangri-la ahead of their usual delivery, so that we can get it right away.  And so momma bought two cases, everything Bow & Wow got for that particular shipment -- that's 48 cans of Natural Balance Venison, enough to feed me until February!

Okay, here's the thing.  I just thought I should change my diet as soon as the cans arrived.  Variety is the key, you see.  So I decided to eat all food EXCEPT Natural Balance Venison.  Teehee.  I think momma was a bit mad, because we have just stocked up on food that I don't want!  Good thing Rue loves it.  She eats it with so much gusto, and keeps on asking for more!

But I think I'm making my momma happy now that she can't feel my bones anymore.  Even my favorite vet, Dr. Riza of Vets in Practice is so proud of me!  Yay! :)



that second photo is super cute <3 Yay for yummy food :P

You are not fat, but beautifully cherubic! I am happy that you gained weight!

Nubbin wiggles,

He actually makes my Kira look obese (and she's Siamese, too). Wah! Hahaha! First photo...he looks like he's seducing someone. LOL!

LOL. His tummy is big! And when he sits like that, it gets emphasized :D

LOL. His tummy is big! And when he sits like that, it gets emphasized :D

You are not fat, but beautifully cherubic! I am happy that you gained weight!

Nubbin wiggles,

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