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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rue's Health

Rue's health has been on a rollercoaster ride lately. I am sorry for not being able to post updates, I was too caught up emotionally caring for her at home (and worrying what's wrong with her). Here's the timeline:

March 1 - Rue ate onion. Her platelet was 80, and she was given Vibravet.

March 13 - I was away for a birthday weekend break so I asked my dad to catsit. He was the one who administered medicine, and unfortonately, he overdosed. Rue's ALT (liver) was 1,341 (normal: 20-100) and her creatinine (kidney) was 2.3 (normal: 0.3-2.1). Dr. Riza gave her liver tonic and phosphate binder.

March 27 - Rue's blood test came back normal, although her ALT was still a bit elevated (135). We were advised to continue the liver tonic until April 12.

April 15 - Rue stopped eating. She won't eat until Tuesday.

April 16 - I brought Rue to Vets in Practice Animal Hospital. Her creatinine was 2.5! She was admitted for kidney flushing.

April 17 - I visited Rue, and was disheartened when I realized how stressful her environment was. There was a bird that cackles every 10 seconds in the next room, and Rue tightly curled her body at the corner of the cage. I couldn't even cuddle her.

April 18 - I contemplated on Rue's condition, and decided to pull her out of VIP and just care for her at home. I had to pull Rue out of the animal hospital because she was so nervous and jittery. The loud bird added to the distress Rue was experiencing, apart from being in an environment that is entirely new to her. Her blood test showed that her creatinine was down to 1.9 (good thing!) but her platelet is down again, at its lowest: 50 (normal: 300-800). Her white blood cells are also elevated, which is a sign of infection: 34.53 (normal: 5.5-19.5). She was given Liv52, Nefrotec, phosphate binder and vitamins.

April 19 - Rue still didn't eat normally. Dr. Riza and Dr. Melay visited her at home, and gave her antibiotics for the infection.

April 21 - Rue started eating again!!! She also played a little bit, which was a big change from the past days when she would just sleep all day.

Rue is doing better now, thank God! I am really praying hard that her recovery will only be for the better from this day on. I love her so much.

I haven't told you guys that we have a new kitten, and his full name is Sábio Leaozinho (literal translation: wise little lion). His nickname is Saab. 

Here is Rue with Saab, who would usually stay by her side to "guard" her while she is recuperating.


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